Worship at Covenant
The word worship is a contraction of "worth-ship". In very simple terms, when we worship we are telling God how much He is WORTH to us. We do this by reading God's word, singing God's praise, praying, practicing generosity (giving back to God), and worshiping God with our minds (teaching/preaching).
Worship at Covenant is a BLEND of old/new, "traditional" and "contemporary". We value the liturgy and sacraments (Lord's Supper and Baptism) of the Presbyterian church, but we also embrace new music and methods. Sermons are scripture-based, and the pastor always wants to make sure they're relevant to living in today's world.
Our music will be a blend of traditional and contemporary. Many churches, following the mega-church model, have abandoned the great hymns of the faith in favor of worship bands and choruses. We have made an intentional choice to adopt the BEST of the new music, and to hold on to the BEST of the old. On any given Sunday, you may hear something by a contemporary Christian artist, alongside a hymn by Charles Wesley or Isaac Watts. We do strive to make worship enjoyable and inviting, but also deep. Dress as you are comfortable!